Chaffik Bakkali - Enseignant-chercheur - Montpellier Management
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Chaffik BAKKALI - Maître de conférences

Chaffik Bakkali

Entrepreneuriat et PME


Responsabilités pédagogiques :

  • L3 Administration et gestion des entreprises

Domaine d’enseignement :

  • Analyse financière
  • Diagnostic financier en PME
  • Contrôle de gestion
  • Fiscalité
  • Fiscalité des PME
  • Business Game

Publications :

  • Casanova S., Bakkali C., Tang J. (2023), “Entrepreneurial alertness and entrepreneurial orientation: Contributions to opportunity identification”, The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Forthcoming).
  • Messeghem K., Bakkali C., Sammut S., Swalhi A. (2018), “Measuring Nonprofit Incubator Performance: Toward an Adapted Balanced Scorecard Approach”, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 56, No. 4, p. 658-680.
  • Messeghem K., Sammut S., Gangloff F., Bakkali C. (2017), “Performance measurement of French incubators”, International Journal Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 4-21.
  • Bakkali C., Messeghem K., Sammut S. (2014), « La performance des incubateurs : proposition et validation d’un modèle de mesure multidimensionnel », Revue internationale PME, Vol. 27, No. 3-4, p. 145-171.
  • Bakkali C., Messeghem K., Sammut S. (2013), « Pour un outil de mesure et de pilotage de la performance des incubateurs », Management International, Vol. 17, No. 3, p. 140-153.
  • Bakkali C., Messeghem K., Sammut S. (2010), « Les structures d’accompagnement à la création d’entreprise à l’heure de la gestion des compétences », Management & Avenir, Vol. 39, No. 9, p. 149-162.

Communications :

  • Bakkali C., Maurice J., Covin J. (2023), “Levers of Control, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Firm Performance”, European Accounting Association Congress, Helsinki-Espoo.
  • Bakkali C., Maurice J., Covin J. (2023), “Levers of Control, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Firm Performance”, Academy of Management Conference, Entrepreneurship Track, Boston.
  • Bakkali C., Maurice J., Casanova S. (2022), “The Influence of Comprehensive PMS, Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on SME Performance”, ICSB Conference, Washington.
  • Casanova S., Bakkali C., Tang J. (2020), “Entrepreneurial alertness and entrepreneurial orientation: contributions to opportunity identification”, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference-Conference canceled due to Coronavirus
  • Bakkali C., Maurice J. (2019), “Entrepreneurial Orientation, Firm Performance, and the Moderating Role of Management Control Systems: A Conceptual Model”, American Accounting Association Conference, San Francisco.
  • Bakkali C., Maurice J. (2019), “Entrepreneurial Orientation, Firm Performance, and the Moderating Role of Management Control Systems: A Conceptual Model”, Academy of Management Conference, Entrepreneurship Track, Discussion Paper Session (for promising papers), Boston.
  • Bakkali C., Maurice J., Naro G. (2016), “The balanced scorecard as a boundary object: from diagnostic to interactive control. A field study of balanced scorecard implementation in several incubators”, Canadian Academic Accounting Association Conference, St John’s.

Chapitre d’ouvrage :

  • Bakkali C., Messeghem K., Sammut S., Swalhi A., (2021), “The selection strategy or the incubation process: what matters most”, in “Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation and Acceleration” (coord Mian S. Klofsten M., Lamine W.)

Prix et distinctions reçus :

  • Prix de thèse AEI-FNEGE 2014 : prix de la meilleure thèse en entrepreneuriat.
  • Congrès de l’AEI 2011 : prix de la meilleure communication.

Bureau B405